Thank You, Artists!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

taWe would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the awesome artists who have taken / are taking the time off their busy schedules to collaborate with Mio!

As a little thank you to them, we held a meet-and-greet dinner at Pino last Nov9 MioMonday!

(On the bottom photos) Enrico and Bing of Gallery7; Katwo and Angelo of 2720; CJ de Silva and JP Cuison

It was a funfun night of excellent food and lots of laughter. Unfortunately, due to their busy schedules, not all the artists could make it. Mio also had to stay home, but Mommy Jasmine was there in his behalf. Many other friends also came to support MioMondays!

Thank you for coming! Ditas Hilario & friends, Atom Araullo & Patty Laurel, Ding Arancon & Jenny Escalona,
Joaquin Valdes & Emily, and Mommy Jasmine's highschool friends!

Everyone got to take home Mio-Souvenirs! Mio's drawings were printed on special buttons with mirros and bottle openers at the back. iCancervive baller id's were also given to all the guests.

Photo by John Palafox

Our next MioMondays is on November 23. Will be posting Chef Ed's new menu for that dinner, so watch out! In the meantime, here's a preview of our StartWithMio event poster designed by Jobelle Tayawa. Many thanks to Gallery7 Digital Studio for hosting the exhibit!

For more information on these projects, contact 0917-7371376 or e-mail us at :)

The StART with Mio team: Tiffy, Alessa, Jobelle